Hey, I'm not sure why but the ARP will occasionally crash my MRCC, when it does so, I'm also unable to turn the MRCC back on because as soon as the arp gets power it blocks things again. The only way to recover is to unplug the arp.
It happens periodically, but I have one use case that is 100% reproducible that is maybe helpful: MRCC Has onboard clock routed to the ARP, however, it's difficult to trigger start/stop etc. so I send that from my RYTM. My other devices seem to play nicely, but the ARP gets locked up.
I triple checked that there's no midi-thru or other thing making a loop and I don't know if the clock thing is a herring, but if it prompts you to have an idea for a fix let me know. I'll try with midi cables later today, but it's nice to have all the power and midi in one cable longterm.