Perhaps I'm understanding a feature wrong, but if I insert chords into the chain, the octave changes every time I change the scale. F.e. inserting a minor in oct 3 and then C major, C will be inserted in oct2. I can delete and go up so that it is oct 3 again, but I don't understand why.
Normally that's no problem at all, but during live performances I always feel stressed. Of course also, because you immediately can hear, what you are entering. That's also inconvenient - I have to insert the chords fitting to my beat, otherwise they come as I push the button.
Do I understand something wrong or is it a big with my gear?
Thanks in advance for helping
Thanks a lot!
Already spent hrs with cc outs - and thanks for the fix.
Outstanding work.
Now we get hungry - give us more cc per channel 😅
No, just kidding. I like it. If it could do more, I wouldn't have to do anything else as a musician. I could start dancing though 🤔