Hi, I think my fav video is creating something from nothing.. posted about a month ago.
Still learning midi. Do I need different machines for each patch running on the different app or can I set a channel on each arp to align with a different one in the same machine.
Hope that makes sense. I'm trying run two different presents on a cobalt 5s at same time but not easy.
On ARP, each of the 4 arp tracks can have different MIDI Channels or share the same one. This is where the Follow function really shines.
For the receiving synth setup, it depends what you are trying to achieve.
If you want 4 different sounds you need either 4 different synths or a Multitimbral synth that has 4 or more parts. Multitimbral means that the different parts (sounds) can be assigned to different MIDI Channels.
Parts differ from voices, in that a single sound can be made up of multiple voices. A polyphonic synthesiser can play multiple notes concurrently (chords) because each note is played on a different voice and they are layered (it's the same sound but at different pitches).
I believe that the Cobalt 5s is a single part synth with 5 voices. So it can only play one sound at a time (one MIDI Channel) but it can play 5 notes simultaneously.
There's a list Multitimbral synths here: https://www.midicake.com/forum/general-discussion/a-list-of-multi-timbral-synthesizers
Probably the cheapest option (in hardware) is the Waldorf Blofeld. I think I did a video with 4 parts on the Blofeld a while back.
There's a section in the Appendix of ARP's manual about MIDI and MIDI Routing that you might find helpful too.
I hope this information helps. Let us know how you get on.