Heyloo, so in my neverending quest to sync midi gear with ableton and avoid clock wobble I noticed that higher bpm has a much higher variance. For now I have found sending arp half clock and internally using 2x rhythms is significantly more stable and thought others might also find that helpful.
(I am measuring with just clock no mixed midi traffic)
Double / Half Time
Currently at tempos >97 if I send arp a half-clock things lock in way better and rarely even get wobble on arp's tempo reader. It is fine to work in but a little bit awkward, if there were maybe some sort of option for clock scaling that I could set it to internally double all of my tempos in the background that would be perfect.
Sensitivity Scaling
Not sure if it's helpful and I'm not sure how it's implemented, but based on measuring things, I thought that perhaps the sensitivity of the internal logic isn't scaled proportionally to account for ie: 120 is much closer to 121 than 60 is to 61
this is also I think why drift is more perceptible at high tempos* as loose (ie: a choir member 5-10ms late in a 60bpm-choral is fine, but if something is running 16ths at 134 and wobbles 50ms it feels like they've lost the groove).
*Not tempo per-se, but where the perceived audible pulse is (ie: if 16ths is your pulse, it's the time between those)
Hope this is useful for anybody else :)
It's still on my target list to look into this in greater detail, I have a design for a test setup to see if it's impossible to improve things on the receiving end. I did some purely software based tests with Ableton & FL Studio and recorded the results. I'll post that at some point. I've already spent a lot of time trying to understand and improve the stability with software clocks and there's other work to be done first, I will get to it though.