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Aug 12, 2024
In Ideas and Feature Requests
Sorry for the long list, I’m pretty happy with the device in general, these ideas are in no particular order and have occurred to me over the last couple weeks. 1. Mute CC doesn’t mute as expected, you send 127 to mute and 127 to unmute. It should mute at 127 and unmute below 127, or similar. The current motion requires us to hit 127, then hit 127 again, going below 127 doesn’t turn off. It makes it difficult to work with other external sequencers. 2. Patterns should have an option to save mute state of each arp or preferably allow us to decide to include/not include mute state of arps. 3. Chord Chain - Allow input from an external sequencer to set the chords in the chain, which would override midi notes incoming, right now we can’t override incoming midi. Or manually allow override,  Allow the chord chain to exist but disable when incoming midi notes are active, possibly by midi cc to turn on/off chord chain saved in pattern. To get tricky, Possibly per step enable/disable of the chord chain. Allow save/load of chord chains. 4. Play mode with external input, allow us to add a note/chord choice that will be part of the live input, it won’t be overwritten, it would allow us to jam the arp along with incoming notes. 5. Select improvement, multiple arp tracks, hold one track and tap another, then multiple are selected. More options than all or one, then we can edit the selected. 6. Binary Patterns - Add more granular control, Increase Binary pattern length to 32 steps. Allow pattern rotate. Allow pattern generation including tied steps. Allow euclidean patterns. 7. Rhythm Patterns should be able to be randomized and reset. 8. Mod Shape, allow random shape that can be re-seeded/randomized. Allow random stepped, allow a user to edit stepped random so we can create various stepped patterns, similar to binary patterns, with length, pattern, rotate. Allow finer control than 1/4 bar, will work better with note chop and ratchet since those are potentially very fine values. 9. Mute mod button combo added, when in mod edit menu, mute could on/off the modulation on that arp track. 10. Long press on a blue Arp setting function could give option to reset just that function back to the last saved preset state, all other changes in the preset remain. 11. Bounce Arp setting doesn’t give any visual indication of the change that Im hearing when multiple arps are selected, even if the have the same bounce setting. 12. Idea: Parameter lock on reset. Push encoder while on an arp parameter to lock it, so that if/when you reset, the parameter is not reset.  Like midi channel would be an obvious one to lock before reset. 13. Bug, when setting factor, then changing division, switching from incremental to exponential resets your division to the base factor, it should retain your division and allow you to go exponential/incremental from the current division. 14. Editing patterns like rhythm length columns feels like the encoder should dial the column height and buttons should advance to select next/previous steps. 15. Midi CC to Chord selection should be one cc for selecting between 8 chords, not 8 different CC’s. Then a range should be defined like 0-127 or 0-7. Chord selection by cc shouldn’t need a manual press to enable. 16. Midi cc setup, learn is great but it would be nice to click main encoder to go into cc select mode, then turn the encoder to change the cc assignment. Then also touching the next button to assign while in select mode could assign the next numerical cc after what was just assigned, that would speed up assignment.
Jul 30, 2024
In General Discussion
Arp Division, Factor and Incremental is a bit confusing to me. Im trying to understand, one video said we could take any number of steps and get them spread over any number of bars. So if I set 16 steps, factor 1, division 16/1, i get 16 steps over 1 bar. How do I then get the 16 notes over say 2/3/4/etc bars? I can’t seem to figure out how to keep my division number across more bars.
Jul 25, 2024
In General Discussion
Hello, i just took possession and I am getting familiar, i had a few questions/observations: 1. The knobs on the white version were pretty loose, and moved/wiggled before a parameter actually changed, i added tissue paper in the D shaft to tightent them up, maybe a different knob supplier would work better, some of my other D shaft knobs were tight when i swapped them. 2. The main encoder seems to miss some turns here and there when turning slowly, and when turning faster, the exponential nature of the parameter change is a little hard to predict where it will land. is this something that can be tweaked in the software? 3. Is there a way or a future plan to allow each arp track to respond to separate incoming midi channels and not only one global channel? So each arp could respond to a different incoming channel. 4. On mono vs poly mode, i saw in the manual that mono mode was per channel, that isnt implying poly mode is not per channel correct? So it can be in poly or mono per channel and the main difference is the poly mode lets gates overlap, correct? 5. Is there a way to request a solo button combo, idea is to maybe hold one or more sequencer buttons then tap a mute button and those sequencers solo instead of mute. 6. Is there a setting for when Arp is receiving clock but no midi input, it will not output any notes or is mute/unmute the only option? 7. Is there a midi panic to send cc 123 or all notes off out to devices? i get some stuck notes sometimes.
Jul 20, 2024
In Ideas and Feature Requests
Allow a mask to be applied to the sequence, the mask is a set of specific notes or gates that can be used to determine which notes on the arp sequence are allowed through to output. Example would be if an arp sequence has 16 notes repeating. And a Euclidean mask of 16 pulses on a 23 step mask length, notes matching the gate pattern of the mask are let through. Allow mask length, pulse count, rotation, probability, pitch on/off. Mask types could be Euclidean, external sequence (on a different midi channel), another midi cake arp channel, upcoming midi cc shapes (convert shapes to gate or pitch patterns), random. Pitch and rhythm of an external sequence on another midi channel could be different than the arp channel where it’s an option to mask by gate pattern only or gate + pitch (both have to match to apply mask) Option to invert the mask, so matching gates/notes mute and the non matching are voiced.


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